Video Reviews of TAPP water filters in Malta

Here you can watch detailed video reviews of the TAPP Water Filters in Malta made by our customers and retail stockists.

 Jane from Jaunts Of Jane reviews the TAPP ShowerPro (Discount Link in Video Details on YouTube.)


Jane from Jaunts Of Jane reviews the TAPP EcoPro (Discount Link in Video Details on YouTube.):

Lorinda Mamo from ABirdWithAFrenchFry reviews the TAPP EcoPro with her son


Robert Vassallo from Clean4U in Paola reviews the TAPP EcoPro at his retail store:


An in depth review by Instagram creator @mummy_in_a_hurry where Olivia talks about why TAPP suits her, what benefits she gets by using TAPP Water fiters and what the rest of the family thought. (In Maltese)


A review by Adriana at Frank Wrap

A taste review by Charly at Soap Cafe Malta


An in depth detailed review by Sonia Sano Suraci at Hames Sensi - Organic World

TAPP Water filters

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