2024 - A year in Review

2024 - A year in Review

This year was my fourth year in operation and a year of stabilisation and getting ready to build on solid foundations.

The goal has always been to see TAPP water in use in 10,000 households by 2026 and we have moved significantly towards that objective in 2024.

More households in Malta are now enjoying TAPP water

Just over 1,000 new customers purchased TAPP Water Filters in 2024 and we have now sold over 5,000 water filters in Malta, customer retention is high and the impact of the households using TAPP water Filters in Malta means that over 3 Million plastic bottles are avoided.

That means Saving Money, Less Co2 emissions, less time wasted with BCRS, less waste produced ( even if it is recycled), less hassle carrying plastic bottles and managing the supplies at home.

We made progress in 2024, but there is still so much more to do.

Water Purification Grant in Malta extended

In April 2024 the water purification grant was transferred to the Regulator For Energy and water in Malta and relaunched.

The major change from the 2023 grant programme was that the 2024 Grant For  Reverse Osmosis Systems in Malta (as it was called by REWS) was the restriction to applicants being the home owner and the elimination of grants available for landlords.

We provided clear guidance about the new changes and established a working relationship with REWS who ere helpful in clarifying the rules and what was expected in the applications.

We introduced the Grant Pack - a printed document pack with everything that could be supplied all ready printed out.

In addition, we had customers contact us with some feedback which we were able to improve our guidance as we learned more.

2025 Water Purification Grant in Malta

The good news is that in the October 2024 Budget it was confirmed that the grant programme for water purification in Malta is extended in 2025.

Carbon Offsetting in Malta for 2024

For the purposes of carbon offsetting in 2024 we shall donate to Grow 10 Trees Malta again for the planting of 50 Trees, its the same donation as 2023 and covers the usage of water filters by our customers, deliveries and the CO2 emissions in the running of TAPP water in Malta.

Product Defects

TAPP Water in Barcelona once again provided great support t us in order to replace any defective items. Product defects reduced by 70% in 2024 with the introduction of the new ABS plastic compound.

2023 was a tough year for products defects for our customers but the position has hugely stabilised and now dramatically reduced so we can at last look to build on the solid foundations on a reliable product.

We encourage all customers to contact us with any issues and continue to respond efficiently to any issues.

Business Systems

This year was one of significant changes in our internal systems. In 2023 I built up the systems and infrastructure to cope with the big increase in support caused by product defects, the introduction of BCRS causing a huge bump in enquiries and the fact that we were two full time persons in the business.

At the start of the year Annalena found she had to return to Sweden and so with the product defects reducing and new sales stabilising I decided to be a "Solopreneur" and so kept the same systems but did everything.

After summer I had price increases from our software suppliers and so found that either I was going to need to raise prices or reduce costs. I thus took the decision to remove most of the software infrastructure that automated the business and reduce costs significantly. This impacted customers as we removed the loyalty points system, referrals and our integrated omnichannel communication system.

Since October when we introduced this change we have had very few issues and so the business largely continues unaffected, but it does all depend on myself to complete all tasks within the business which has both a risk and sustainability issue which will be addressed in 2025.

Customer Services Award

We have been finalists in the Premju Servizz bi Tbissima 2024 and received 4th place. I am so grateful for all your votes and the lovely messages that I read every day, TAPP Water was right up there with some of the biggest brands in Malta which feels quite an honour.

The competition was much tougher in 2024 as many of the larger brands engaged in Facebook advertising to garner votes which we did not do. It maybe that in the future as larger companies flex their financial muscles it will no longer be possible to get in the finals but we will continue to try!

Social Impact

We made over 1,800 euros of product donations this year, maintaining our support of 14 apartments at Fondazjoni Sebh and also assisting some new organisations (new for us) such as YMCA Hamrun, Stella Maris Scout Group, and Thrive.

Its always a huge pleasure to help and meet with such motivated groups making a change in Malta and you can read our 2024 report here.

Social Media

It was a busy time on Social Media also, our YouTube channel increased subscribers again this year and over 300 hours of watch time but we did fewer live shows replacing these with shorter videos covering subjects such as Microplastics, and research into the health concerns over plastic bottles as well as FAQs on TAPP water products.

The top Facebook post in 2024 was a post about the MFCC Trade Fair with over 1,500 accounts reached:


The top video post was on Instagram this year about activated carbon blocks if they are enough t filter water in Malta.



More customers using EasiPik Lockers

I continue to use MaltaPost for all deliveries and have very few issues with the service. This year it is significant how many customers opt to use our integrated EasiPik service which means you choose the locker from the drop down when ordering and then receive a code by sms to pick up 24/7 from your chosen locker.

This has proved hugely efficient for those working as it puts the control over the delivery in your hands. There are now more easiPik lockers on the island and MaltaPost is investing in more lockers over 2025 as far as we know.


W relaunched TAPPZero in 2023 which means that customers can send back filter refills sow e can reprocess them and avoid land fill waste.

It was significant in 2024 that I received more filters returned in 2023, although it is still not a huge amount but i am very grateful to all customers that engage with me on this programme.

This year I made a video about how we reprocess water filters in Malta.

Retail Partners

We stabilised our retail partner network with 29 outlets now having TAPP water Filters available in Malta including 5 Homemate Stores.

We also established our service centre in Malta in collaboration with ReRoot in Balzan, where customers can obtain spare parts and adapters.


TAPP Water at the MFCC Trade Fair

I invested heavily in the TAPP water Stand at MFCC this year as the flagship event for the year. This is partly due to being a solopreneur and finding that attending many events in the year as we have done in the past is just not practical.


This year we had more people on the stand, in particular fluent in Maltese and this was very enjoyable, huge thanks to those of you that came to see us there.

We shall continue this in 2025 and focus on this one event, we are already booked in and look forward to meeting you.


2024 was an emotionally challenging year, even though in general I remained positive. I found myself living in Gozo on my own which was somewhat unexpected as Annalena left to be with her family in Sweden.

I also started two other business projects that meant I was really stretched, this was a mistake which I rectified after 3 months as I exited these two projects to focus on TAPP water only.

On the plus side, I love living in Gozo, and TAPP Water Malta is very doable from there. I have travelled to Sweden and the UK this year as have visited my 90+ old parents. Annalena and I are in very regular contact and we plan to keep meeting, and I will need to visit my parents regularly as they are both frail and no longer talk on the phone. This has meant I have had to adjust to a new way of living and this has given me a chance to see how much I enjoy TAPP Water as a business and how it is better for me just to focus on supporting TAPP Heroes in Malta.

Huge thanks to you

A huge thank you for your support in 2024 - I was kept going in an emotionally turbulent year by your beautiful and heart warming messages. I hope you know how much it means to receive these.

2025 - Things to look forward to

I have less plans this year, 2024 gave me a great deal of learning but there are things to look forward to and here is what I will be focussing on.

  • In store promotional material in our retail partner stores
  • A few new retailers, just to fill some gaps in the map
  • New products coming from TAPP water (Sssh......top secret)
  • Getting some help at TAPP Water Malta so that if I am travelling your deliveries are unaffected.
  • More videos and social media material focussed on education
  • New ways to introduce friends and family to TAPP Water


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1 comment

Recently fitted and appears a sound solid Item done the taste test and im very pleased with it I will do my best to Circulate the filter to my Friends

Alan Phillip Carter

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