European Sustainable Development Week (ESDW) in Malta - 2022
For the occasion of European Sustainable Development Week in Malta TAPP Water Malta presents a week long series of live streamed events telling the inspirational stories of sustainable development in Malta.
Inline with our mission to eliminate 10 Million plastic bottles in Malta we are excited to tell sustainability stories that focus on 3 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals

Please see below the proposed agenda for our online events:
20th September 10:00am Sustainability Stories in Malta #1
Solutions for reducing waste in the home with Jean Paul Farrugia from ReRoot Malta
20th September 15:00pm Sustainability Stories in Malta #2
Go Green - Putting the environment at the heart of our purpose with Ingrid Azzopardi from Go plc
21st September 10:00am Sustainability Stories in Malta #3
New solutions for wet and sludge waste in Malta with Sophie and Julian at New Technology Developments Ltd
22nd September 10:00am Sustainability Stories in Malta #4
The TAPP Water Story - Magnus Jern - Co-Founder of TAPP Water in Barcelona
23rd September 10:00am Sustainability Stories in Malta #5
Addressing the problem of plastic and microplastics on Malta's coastline - with Manya Russo of Zibel
24th September 10:00am Sustainability Stories in Malta #6
Beating Food Waste with Frank Wrap - with Adriana Frank
25th September 10:00am Sustainability Stories in Malta #7
Keeping the carbon footprint low from birth with Brenda Grech from The Cloth Nappy Company
26th September 10:00am Sustainability Stories in Malta #8
Reintroducing Pollinators to Urban Areas with Maria Eileen Fsadni from Friends of the Earth Malta
26th September 2:30pm
Information Session with HSBC Staff about TAPP Water.(Not public)with over 100 attendees.
Click for more details on TAPP Talk Live and the platforms we stream on.
Find out more about the 17 Sustainable Development Goals