A new platform to kick start the European green deal in Malta - a hub of sustainability

Who we are

A team of 4 women, passionate about the environment and determined to push the green transition in Malta.

Green Deal Team Malta

Our mission

Green Deal Malta is an initiative launched by Ewropa Consultancy.
It is a platform providing a centralised one-stop forum for sustainability matters in Malta that brings together all the private, public and individual stakeholders and action-takers to share knowledge, collaborate and make Malta greener, faster. In short it is a collaborative platform with the aim of growing a community of like-minded people all passionate about making sustainability a reality for Malta.

Green Deal Malta will showcase – in this one centralised forum – the sustainability work being done by various stakeholders in Malta. It will introduce thought leaders and community members willing to share their experiences, ideas, suggestions and solutions. It will also identify Malta’s companies or players who are leading the game in implementing sustainable practices, with the hope of contributing to the implementation of a sustainable Malta.

While we have identified the most pressing sectors we believe need to be addressed namely Clean Energy, Green Construction, Clean Transport, Green Enterprise and Green Finance, we are interested in all matters related to sustainability.

How to contribute

If you have any thoughts, visions, or even concrete ideas in relation to sustainability, please share them with our community. This can be an idea for a green architecture project, or for a ‘New European Bauhaus’ project for Malta, for a particular use of sustainable or new green products, or even a new green business idea, or one for cleaner energy or transport.

It could also be a new policy required for your business to be able to import or sell green materials or any challenges you face to go green. All experiences that can help us devise a realistic Sustainability Vision for Malta are welcome, both negative and positive, so that we can map a blueprint for the future, removing obstacles and promoting what works best.

You can also follow our journey on Green Deal Malta’s social media platforms namely Linkedin, Instagram and Facebook, and have a look at the Green Deal Malta website for further updates.

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