immici Microfarms: building a better future for food and the planet in Malta

The founder of immici Microfarms is raising money to get the project started with help from the ZAAR crowdfunding platform. There are some very special things in the way immici will produce food. First of all, there are no pesticides in the plant crops and there are no excess heavy metals or microplastics in the seafood. Because immici uses aquaponics in both fresh and salt water, harmful chemicals would kill the fish, so the health of the system is the guarantee to our own health.

Immici microfarms on TAPP

The way aquaponics works is that when the fish are fed, their waste in the water is food for the plants. The plants take out these nutrients to thrive, and the fish get clean water returned to their habitat. It is a continuous symbiotic cycle that immici takes a few steps further.

Using specialised insects who eat our organic kitchen waste, some of their larvae go back into continuing their own life-cycle while the rest provide food for the fish, along with some other ingredients that will be grown at the microfarm, this means there is no need to take anything from the oceans. And that's a good thing, because if we can't leave life in the oceans to recover, we will suffer problems with our own oxygen cycle and the lost removal of a massive majority of excess atmospheric carbon dioxide, not to mention many other ramifications that we hope never to face as a species and a civilisation.

immici farms on tapp

immici and its technology were conceived as a contribution towards the solutions that humanity desperately needs, to thrive into the future. Creating these diverse microcosms, holistically based on Earth's own natural systems, can be a distributed way to ease the strain globally.

As the microfarm matures the range of products to be offered will increase, here's a selection of what what's to come:

Conventional greens:

  • Herbs: Basil, Coriander, Mint and Taragon
  • Salads: lettuces, Pak choi, Spinach and more
  • Vegetables: Cauliflower, Swiss chard, Kale, Peppers and Chillies, Tomatoes
  • Strawberries
  • Mushrooms

Sea greens:

The halophytes

  • Salicornia (Samphire), Sea fennel & Almeridja tal-blat

The seaweeds:

  • Sea lettuce, Sea grapes & Dulse

Fish and Seafood:

  • Gilt-head seabream, Seabass
  • Tilapia
  • Lobster, Shrimp, Crab
  • Oyster, Vongole
  • Sea urchin (Uni)

Michael Bourne, founder of immici, designed the technology to achieve this level of high-quality food-security because of a personal desire to eat food that is free of environmental toxins and pollutants, and to reduce the burden on the natural resources that are now dangerously depleted.

“We have to do something, to ensure we have a future, and certainly for our children and their descendants. I want to ensure we have a high quality of life, with the essentials and the treats, but to do it truly sustainably. The systems I have created will allow us to produce food near to where it will be eaten, which reduces waste, removes the need for trading flavour for shelf-life and any waste can just be fed back into the system. It's an exponential win for sustainability and quality...”

Michael feels that an alternative that is better than what we were already doing, gives us a chance to pull back from the brink, or at least prepare for a safer landing.

He said “If enough of us embrace this new way to produce, supply and store food, alive in the best conditions, until it is needed, it will help the climate and the oceans recover. Moreover, next-level advanced aquaponics improves the organic principle, because it is more controllable, self-contained... and while some pesticides are permitted for organic farming, even those would kill our fish. It offers us a better quality of food without the premium of organic, and it offers us the cleanest, freshest seafood that doesn't take anything away from the oceans.”

immici will begin with the microfarm and later offer systems to homes and businesses to grow, raise and store live foods with support from the microfarm hub and its satellites, that will help to ensure reduced food-miles and an increased quality, flavour and health of our food supply.

immici on tapp malta

You can learn more at and on the immici Microfarms project page at If you contribute to the campaign, immici credits your full contribution for you to spend on its products, and they are offering big discounts & offers to backers. They also open a loyalty account and other rewards for those willing to put a foot forward, to improve the future of food and our planet.

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