Is it true that drinking Malta tap water gives you kidney stones?

Is it true that drinking Malta tap water gives you kidney stones?

We are asked regularly if drinking Malta tap water gives you kidney stones and so we will take a look at why this question comes up and what makes people question Malta tap water in relation to kidney stones.

In order to understand the truth about this we look at what kidney stones are, how they can be prevented and how drinking water is part of protecting yourself against kidney stones. 

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In Malta there are over 50 procedures a month for kidney stones and 30 admissions a week in the emergency department.

 There is research to show that there are more admissions for kidney stones during higher temperature seasons. Could this be because people do not drink enough water during warmer seasons?

Julian Delicata describes what Kidney Stones are and how to avoid them in particular showing that the myth that kidney stones are caused by drinking Malta tap water is false and in fact the opposite is true, drinking more water helps alleviate the risk of kidney stones.

Further evidence is supplied by Manuel Attard a registered dietician in Malta that drinking water and consuming calcium are both factors for alleviating the risk of kidney stones and their reoccurrence.

00:00 Intro

01:09 The answer revealed (Its a Myth, the answer is no!)

01:23 Why this myth is sometimes believed

02:40 Current data on kidney stones in Malta

03:33 Links between weather changes and kidney stones incidences

04:20 What are kidney stones

05:07 Advice to avoid kidney stones - drink more water!

05:49 Lifestyle advice from a registered dietician in Malt on kidney stones

08:12 TAPP EcoPro water filter

09:16 TAPP EcoPro Compact

10:50 The Government Grant - 40% Rebate

12:48 Wrapping up

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