TAPP Water Malta plants trees with Grow 10 Trees project to offset carbon emissions

As our ongong commitment to a sustainable business in Malta, TAPP Water Malta had arranged in December to sponsor the planting of at least 10 trees with the Grow 10 Trees project in Malta.

We wrote about how we calculate the number fo tress needed to offset carbon emissions for our activites in Malta.

On January 31st we joined the project volunteers at Majjistral Nature Park and assisted to plant 87 trees including those sponsored by TAPP Water Malta.


Pictured below are Phil (TAPP Water), Adrian (Grow 10 Trees) and Gilbert (Park Ranger)

TAPP Water Planting trees with Grow 10 Trees Project Maalta
Some of the trees we planted, the park rangers arranged for tem to have a regular water supply in the days after planting.
Tapp Water Malta plants trees at Majjastral Park
Tapp Water Malta plants trees at Majjastral Park
You can follow the Grow 10 Trees project on Facebook and also the Majjistral Nature Park for news about their activities.
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