#TAPPonTOUR hits the road in Malta
In May we launched our mobile demonstration unit and shop #TAPPonTOUR .
We have certainly had some wonderfully supportive comments from people who pass by the van when its been parked up in various locations arroud Malta, it's been a fun and innovative project so far and has been bringing TAPP to people where and when they want to see it.
We are essentially an online store, because it's efficient and the overheads are manageable. It has been working really well, we have reached over 6,000 likes on our Facebook page and over 1,000 households are now using TAPP Water instead of plastic bottles which is saving the use of over 1 Million plastic bottles per year in Malta.
All this within our first year of operation so we give a big thank you to all our customers for making the decision to drop the plastic bottles and move to a cheaper and more environmentally friendly alternative.
However, with a strong digital presence there are areas of the market in Malta that we do not reach. With over 200,000 hosueholds in Malta our mission is that 5% of these will use TAPP Water by 2024 which means a saving of 10 Million plastic bottles a year, this is a huge target infact equal to nearly 50% of the plastic bottles that were recycled in 2020 but more effective as these are plastic bottles that have never had to be used and this has a huge impact on our environment.
This is part of the wider global mission for TAPP Water - saving 10 Billion plastic bottles a year accross the globe by 2024.
#TAPPonTOUR is fun and innovative - and brought to you!

In its TAPP Water livery beautifully bought to life by muralist COOKER , our convered 30 year old Mazda E2200 diesel van is touring the islands of Malta an Gozo bringing TAPP where its asked for by anyone thats interested in a demonstration.
We have extended the working life of this lovingly restored vehichle that was previously used by a painter and decorator in Malta for 29 years. We are tracking the milage of the vehicle as we use it and will be ofsetting the CO2 emissions by planting trees with the Grow 10 Trees project in Malta.
The mobile shop is equipped with a TAPP2 TWIST and TAPP 1s Shower, with drinking water available from the TAPP2 TWIST filtered from a 100l water tank onboard powered by an electric water pump and onboard battery.
Customers can come and take a taste test and walk away with their own TAPP2 TWIST and see the unit in action, asking any questions they want to.
Our 45 day full refund guarrantee still applies so if it doesnt work for a household then we simply come back and collect and refund the sale - 98% of cutsomers keep their TAPPs.
#TAPPonTOUR can be brought to anywhere its needed:
- to your home for you
- to a home or public area for a group of friends
- for a group or organisation
- to a local council office
- to business for employees to benefit
- to a health club, fitness centre or sports club
- to a school or college for a special event, themed day or just for any day!
So you can contact us to book the van , no charge, no minimum purchases, infact no complications at all, we like to keep things simple, affordbale and effective!
Will you spread the word? Share this link at work, at school, in your group or to your local council and lets meet soon!