What Contaminants are filtered by TAPP Water in Malta?
Watch the replay our live event about which contaminants are filtered out from Malta drinking water supply and how a TAPP Water filter ensures you can be confident about the water you are drinking.
With a TAPP water filter you can eliminate those plastic bottles and drink tasty drinking water filtered from your kitchen mixer.
We discuss the contaminants that can be found in Malta's drinking water supply, those that we really need to pay attention too and we will also discuss a few contaminants that we are becoming more aware of and how a TAPP Water filter handles these.
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Sorry about the outage in the beginning of the live - a temporary internet connection issue.
Here are the contaminants we covered in the event, with links provided to our more detailed analysis:
Chlorine (99%+) - Standard NSF42 (Particulates 99%+)
Nitrates (90%+) & Nitrites
Trihalomethanes (THMs) - (99%+) NSF Standard 53
HAAs - Haloacetic acids - (95%+)
Ammonia (95%+)
Pesticides (95%+) Hebicides (95%+)
Limescale reduced by up to 80%
Pathogens - (95%) Clostridium, eColi , Enterococcus, Microbial Cysts
Lead - NSF Standard 53 - (95%+) (Atrazine, Benzene, Chlordane, Chloroform, Lindane, Mercury)
Aluminium, Antimony, Arsenic, Barium, Cadmium, Copper, Iron, Manganese, Nickel, Selenium, Zinc
Perfluorinated chemicals - PFAS - (95%+)
Antibiotics & Pharmaceuticals (95%+)
Ph Levels between 8 and 9 - Alkaline
Sodium 26mg/L (200 mg/L EU limit)