New €1m in Malta Government grants to support the adoption of Water Purification systems - Minister Dalli

New €1m in Malta Government grants to support the adoption of Water Purification systems - Minister Dalli

Read here: NEW 2024 Grant announced.

Today 17th April 2023 the Minister for the Environment Miriam Dalli announced the launch of the new government grant in Malta for Water Purification Systems which includes grants on reverse osmosis systems in addition to microfiltration and ultrafiltration water filter systems in Malta.

With €1 million Euros available under the "Be Water Smart Scheme"  that replaces an existing scheme that offered 15.25% grant up to a maximum of €70 with an improved grant of up to €100 covering 40% of the initial expenditure on TAPP Water Filtration Systems.

With this new grant support you can get started with TAPP Water at 50% OFF - so just read the special offer at the end of this article for exactly how to get TAPP Water at half price.

This new exciting grant is separated into 3 separate applications depending on the water purification system chosen, another improvement on the previous system.

This new grant system provides greater rewards for a householder who avoids water wastage and chooses a water purification system that either wastes no water (like TAPP EcoPro), or recycles the Reverse Osmosis system waste water into domestic usage.

You can also watch the recording of our live Q&A on the new grant systemin Malta.

Grant A: Be Water Smart: Water Guard

This grant is available for the purchase of a Water Filtration System which is defined as:

‘Water filtration system’ means an ultrafiltration or microfiltration system, where the filtration equipment itself results in zero water wastage during the filtration process. This excludes jug filters.

This grant is available for TAPP EcoPro and TAPP EcoPro Compact (both Microfiltration Systems) and returns 40% of the total expenditure of the system up to a maximum of €100.

This means your first year of filtered water with EcoPro would cost just €69 with an annual cost of €69 for the 4 EcoPro Filters each year. (But read on to find out how to save an additional 17%!)

This would be the grant that you would use should you choose an under sink inline filtration system that may need the installation of a second tap. But with a water purification system like TAPP EcoPro that simply fits to the mixer you will have far less expense and most likely lower filter costs each year.

If you want to check some definitions of Ultrafiltration and Microfiltration here is a guide for you.

Grant B: Be Water Smart: RO Wave

This grant is for reverse osmosis systems defined as

Reverse Osmosis System’ means a reverse osmosis system where the reject water generated by the system during the filtration process is not diverted back to the residential water storage for re-use.

Designed for reverse osmosis systems without a recycling of waste water from the purification system, this grant returns 15.25% of the total expenditure up to a maximum of €100.

Grant C: Be Water Smart: RO Recycle

This grant is available for Reverse osmosis Systems that divert reject water back into the householders system and is defined as:

‘Reverse Osmosis System with reject water return’ means a reverse osmosis system where the reject water generated by the system during the filtration process is diverted back to the residential water storage for re-use.

For householders choosing a reverse osmosis system that recycles the waste water for domestic usage the grant returns 40% of the total expenditure up to a maximum of €300.

Eligibility criteria

The applicant must be for a domestic residence and covers the initial purchase and installation of the equipment:

This scheme applies to expenditure incurred once only on the purchase price and installation of purifying water equipment for domestic use by the applicant. The grant is only eligible for private individuals (natural persons) that purchase water purifying equipment for use on their residential property.

Applicants must satisfy the following criteria;

  • At least 18 years of age
  • Application submitted not later than 6 months from purchase
  • Persons & Households that have already benefited from this scheme may not apply again
  • Keep the original receipt for 2 years

If I am moving house and have already received a grant?

You will not be eligible for another grant as you will have already received one.

If I have a second house and I have already received a grant on my first house?

You will not be eligible for another grant as you will have already received one.

I bought a water filtration system 6 months ago but did not apply for the old grant, can I still apply on this new scheme?

Oh yes you can!

I have a water jug - is this eligible for the grant.

No - water jugs are not included in this scheme.

If I do not have an e-ID or access to the internet, how can I apply?

If you meet all the eligibility criteria you can attend a Servizz.Gov local hub and apply in person using your ID Card.

Sustainable consumer choices - grant funded

What a pleasure it is to see that sustainable consumer choices in the home can now be supported by government grants which have been tailored to ensure that consumers can choose from the different types of solution available on the market.

Water Services Corporation Investments

The launch of the new grants covered by the Independent in Malta also pays tribute to the hard work of the Water Services Corporation who have been steadily increasing investment into infrastructure for water supply in Malta both with the new reverse osmosis plant in Hondoq as mentioned in the article with the investment in the new water supply tunnel between Pembroke and Ta Qali due to be open this year.

Reducing plastic bottle consumption by 3 million a year

The minister (quoted in the article in the Independent) said

“The initiative is expected to reduce approximately 3 million plastic bottles per year, contributing to Malta's single-use plastic strategy, waste management plan, and waste reduction efforts,”

With each household saving over 500 bottles a year, this scheme looks set to help 6,000 households.

Grants on TAPP Water in Malta

We look forward to seeing how many of these 6,000 households will be #TAPPHeroes - at this launch we are nearly at 4,000 #TAPPHeroes in Malta and on our way to our goal of 10,000 #TAPPHeroes here in Malta.

If you purchase TAPP Water products at one of our retail partners your purchase will be eligible for the grant with a fiscal receipt with the product purchased clearly stated.

How to apply for the government grant on water purification in Malta

The new grant scheme will be available for applications on the same link as the old grant application, you will still need an e-ID to be able to apply online.

You can also check out our FAQs page which has detailed instructions on completing the application and some helpful images.

Half Price Water Filtration In Malta - Get started with TAPP Water at 50% OFF!

We are so excited by this possibility of enabling more households to eliminate plastic bottles for drinking water we have created a new way for households to get half price water filtration in Malta.

Here is how to save 50% off your TAPP water Starter Packs for TAPP EcoPro and TAPP EcoPro Compact:

Example Purchases - Just choose yours!

Product Normal Price  After 17% Discount After the 40% Grant
EcoPro + 1 Filter €59 €48.97 €29.32
EcoPro + 5 Filters €119 €98.77 €59.27
EcoPro Compact + 1 Filter €59 €48.97 €29.32
EcoPro Compact + 7 Filters €109 €90.47 €54.28


TAPP Water filters offers you great tasting drinking water and now you can save 50% whilst the €1M funding scheme lasts - will you be 1 of 6,000 householders to benefit?

Check out TAPP Water EcoPro

Image Credit: Independent

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Ghadni kif xtrajt filter Ecopro. Qed nipprova nimla il-formola tal grant u ma jridx johodieli. Qed jghidli – Installation Price must be set if other installation details are filled
Installation VAT No. must be set if other installation details are filled. Jien hallejt kollox vojt ghax ma hallast xejn lill hadd tal in stallation. Qed naghmel xi haga hazina? Grazzi

albert baldacchino
Fantastic idea, eliminate plastic bottles and drink healthy water

I have two residential homes but I live in one of them .my daughter and her children live in the other. If we both buy filters for our home , will we both have the grant? Thank you

Alice Gauci

I Buy TAPP EcoPro home water filter 1+4 x 1 = €119,00
Please help me for Grant


Christopher Spiteri

Hi Norbert, EcoPro and EcoPro Compact are both eligible for the grant. Thank you for your comment.

Phil Richards

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